Volume 31 Issue 8 25 Mar 2022 22 Adar II 5782

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

It took two years and a couple of failed attempts, but we finally managed to celebrate our Pathways Tanakh presentation ceremony with our current Year 6 students and families, whilst also live-streaming the event to families unable to attend.

Year 6 students and parents participated in a special morning tefillah, Torah service and Tanakh presentation ceremony on Thursday.

Morah Gaida and Jewish Life leaders Ashley Unger, Jasper Shraibman, Joel Ginges, Mia Chesler with Mahli Olian led the students in a beautiful Tefillah filled with singing and ruach. Multiple generations of different Emanuel families were involved in the Torah service, to symbolise the passing on of the Torah from generation to generation. It was a pleasure to invite Joey Becker back to Primary School to chant his Barmitzvah Torah portion for us. He read wonderfully and we extended a Mazal Tov to Joey and his family for their simcha this coming Shabbat and weekend. 

During the Pathways ceremony, parents presented their child with his/her own Tanakh, each one was lovingly decorated with family histories, stories, photographs and blessings in preparation for the ceremony. Before passing on the Tanakh to their child, parents were led in the birkat banim – the blessing over the children. This beautiful ceremony was followed by hugs, kisses and the singing of ‘Siman tov u’ mazal tov’. The pride and delight expressed by the children and their families over the giving of the Tanakh was something very special to witness.

Families shared a quiet moment at the end of the ceremony to read over and share the messages and decorations with their child. 

Thank you to all the parents and students for their patience and perseverance in sticking with this ceremony and for the love and care put into personalising each Tanakh. 

Mazal Tov to our Year 6 students and Todah Rabah to everyone involved!

Thank you to Ofer Levy for taking beautiful photos of this event. These will be made available next week to our families.