Volume 30 Issue 15 28 May 2021 17 Sivan 5781

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

Year K Haifa – Pathways

Thank you to parent photographer Ofer Levy for taking a number of wonderful photographs at our Year K Haifa Pathways ceremony last week. 

Hebrew letters and fruit salad

Students have been very busy in their Hebrew lessons, celebrating their learning and putting their knowledge of Hebrew into action to taste the fruits of their labour.

Year 1 

Year 1 celebrated the completion of their first Tal Am book, which focuses on learning to read and write the letters  א ב ג ד ה ש. Using these letters, students built words and wrote short sentences to put their learning into action.   

Year 6 

Students in Year 6 have been learning vocabulary necessary for making a fruit salad, including kitchen objects, names of fruit and a variety of verbs such as cut, mix and pour. 

Students applied this knowledge, following a recipe in Hebrew to make a delicious fruit salad which they enjoyed eating.