Volume 25 Issue 1 03 Feb 2017 7 Shevat 5777

Ma Koreh

Weekly Torah Portion

Parasha Bo Exodus 10:1 – 13:6

This week’s parasha presents the final plagues that Egypt experienced – locusts, darkness and the slaying of the firstborn Egyptians. To protect their own homes and families, God commands the Israelites to sacrifice a lamb and spread its blood on their doorposts. After each plague, God hardened Pharaoh’s heart and he refused to let the Israelites free. However, following the final plague, Pharaoh relents and demands that the Israelites leave Egypt.

Family Discussion

  • What do you think it means to have a ‘hard heart’? How might we treat others if our hearts are ‘hardened’?
  • Can you think of any ideas or suggestions to ‘soften’ a person’s heart?

 Yiddish Word of the Week

Welcome to the school year of 2017! With bags to pack (and unpack), lunches to be made, school drop-offs and pick-ups and after-school activities to rush to, here is a Yiddish word that sums how many of us may be feeling at the end of our first week back at school.

The new school routine may come as a relief to many parents after school holidays, bringing a pause to endless car trips ‘schleperoning’ children from this play date to that holiday activity.

Shlep bag

Hebrew Phrase of the Week

The traditional Hebrew welcome greeting is ברוכים הבאים b’ruchim haba’im. With this greeting we are saying ‘May those who are coming be blessed’.

We extend a warm ברוכים הבאים to all our new and returning Emanuel School students and families, for what promises to be an exciting year of learning, new experiences and personal growth.

b'ruchum habaim sign

Year 5 reflecting on Jewish wisdom found in Pirkei Avot

To begin our year of Jewish learning, Year 5 have been reflecting on a teaching attributed to Shimon Ben Zoma (2nd Century CE), found in the ethical wisdom literature of the Mishnah in Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Ancestors). In this teaching, Ben Zoma reflects on what constitutes a good person and a meaningful life. In true Jewish fashion, he asks a question, prompting us to respond and then shares his answer with us. Over the coming weeks, we will share Ben Zoma’s question, a selection of the students’ opinions, and Ben Zoma’s response.

Ben Zoma asks: ‘איזהו חכם – Who is wise?’

Year 5 student responses:

  • someone who takes in the perspectives of others before making decisions
  • a person who knows they do not know everything
  • a person who praises God
  • someone who is continually learning and uses their knowledge to make the world a better place.

Ben Zoma responds: ‘הלומד מכל אדם – someone who learns from every person’.

Tu Bishvat pictographFestival of Tu BiShevat – the New Year for the Trees

Next Friday evening 10 February, marks the start of ט״ו בשבט  Tu BiShevat, the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat and the New Year for the Trees. This festival and its significance has changed and developed over time, from the teachings of our ancient sages to the mysticism of the medieval kabbalists, the desire of the Zionist pioneers of the 19th Century to connect to the Land of Israel and more universal contemporary environmental concerns.

The infographic opposite (www.aish.com/h/15sh/mm/Tu-BShvat-Infographic.html) provides a helpful overview of the festival.

To learn more about Tu BiShevat and its origins, meaning and customs try the following links:

My Jewish Learning: www.myjewishlearning.com/article/tu-bishvat/

Chabad: www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/3264/jewish/15-Shevat.htm

Here are some ideas to bring Tu BiShevat into your home and family experience next weekend:

  • Do some planting around the home: plants some herbs (parsley that you can harvest for Pesach) or flowers in your garden
  • Try some new and delicious fruits (ever wondered what a dragon fruit tastes like?) or special favourites, followed by the shehechiyanu blessing to signify a new and special experience
  • Bring some of the seven species of Israel (see opposite) into your home to eat. Olives, dates and figs… mmm yum!
  • Try a Tu BiShevat Seder at home: click on the link for a variety Tu BiShevat Seders: www.reformjudaism.org/have-tu-bishvat-seder
  • Support the JNF Green Sunday campaign on Sunday 12 February, which this year is focusing on restoring the forest areas and communities impacted by the recent fires in Israel.
