Volume 30 Issue 3 12 Feb 2021 30 Shevat 5781

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

JNF Week and plain clothes day Friday 19 February

This week Yigal from the JNF visited classes in Years 1-6 to run activities connected to Tu BeShevat, Israel’s environment and activities of the JNF. Students experienced a Tu BeShevat seder, explored Israel’s geography through parachute games and learnt about the the history and development of the Land of Israel.

Last weekend was the JNF Green Sunday campaign. To build upon the learning students about Israel and the JNF, next Friday will be a plain clothes day for Primary School students. They are encouraged to wear colours that represent the JNF and its activities – blue for water, green for trees and brown for the soil, and to bring a gold coin for tzedakah that go to this year’s JNF Green Sunday campaign.

Year 5 – What did Ben Zoma ask?

Year 5 students have been thinking about four questions asked by a first century scholar, Ben Zoma as recorded in Pirkei Avot 4:1. Students have developed their own thoughtful responses to his questions, before hearing how Ben Zoma answered his own question. The following are examples from 5D and 5Y in response to Ben Zoma’s first two questions.