Volume 24 Issue 37 25 Nov 2016 24 Heshvan 5777

Ma Koreh

Year 4 Jewish Studies

Year 4 students have been learning about מדות middot – Jewish virtues and what is means to be a mensch – a good, decent person.

Ethan Hirst

Not destroying or wasting בל תשחית

This means not breaking rules, not wasting and not destroying anything made from God. I chose this because I don’t want to destroy the earth. I want be a normal nice kind person. I will do this by being a mensch, not destroying anything and looking after things.

Sasha Becker

Tzedakah can bring peace and it is important to give with care. I think it can bring peace because those who steal are not wealthy and need money which is why they rob, to get money. If more people gave tzedakah, then everyone would have enough money, so no one would need to steal and this would bring more peace. I think it would change the world and make peace.

Rory Steinberg

We learn about מדות by:

  • listening to our inner heart and mind
  • reflecting on our experiences and learning from our mistakes
  • thinking about prayers in the siddur
  • learning from our friends
  • listening to our family and parents
  • learning from our teachers and Rabbis
  • thinking about the Torah and its teachings.

 Renee Korotkaia, Lily Lyons, Alex Machlin and Alice Milner

Hope – תקוה

We believe hope is important because without hope you would not believe you could change anything and then no-one would change the world to try to make it better.

Peace – שלום

We believe that peace is important because if you do not try to bring peace into the world, then you will never find it. You can do this by making a win-win situation if you are fighting with siblings.

Not gossiping – לשון הרע

Gossiping means spreading rumours and stories about someone else and this can make people upset. If people around you start to gossip, you can get them to stop.