Volume 31 Issue 6 11 Mar 2022 8 Adar II 5782

Let’s sign

Rebeca Gaida – Hebrew Teacher Primary

Israeli sign language/שפת הסימנים הישראלית

Shalom!  שלום

This week we have two videos from our students Dalia and Jessica Lopis and Aaron Eisenberg showing you how to ask and answer the question: What is your name? In Hebrew there are two ways of asking what your name is depending on who you are asking:

מָה הַשֵּׁם שֶׁלְּךָ ma hashem shelcha (m) or 
מָה הַשֵּׁם שֶׁלָּךְ ma hashem shelach (f) 

In Israeli sign language you use the same signs and it doesn’t matter about what gender you are. 

The answer will always be “הַשֵּׁם שֶׁלִּי hashem sheli״- my name is…

In Israeli sign language you get to decide what symbol will represent your name so that you don’t have to spell it out every time. For example my sign looks like someone playing the guitar because I like to play music.

To win this week’s prize send me a short email of you having a conversation asking someone their name and them replying with their name. Then make up a sign that will represent your name.

Toda, תודה