Volume 30 Issue 10 23 Apr 2021 11 Iyyar 5781

KSF Australian Mathematics Trust Competition

Colleen Elkins – Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator – K-6

KSF Australian Mathematics Trust Competition

In Week 8 of Term 1, our Years 3-6 Maths Extension students participated in the KSF Competition run by the Australian Mathematics Trust.

The students reported that the paper was difficult. Year 5 and 6 write the same paper (Upper Primary), as do Year 3 and 4 (Middle Primary). The results have come in and they are wonderful.

Year 3


Miri Kuper
Eli Levin
Joshua Marishel
Nathan Shammay
Harry Wine
Joa Israelstam

Year 4


Oscar Glikin
Ethan Likht
Jessica Lopis
Ben Pellow


Aaron Eisenberg
Tal Wajsman
Asher Levin

Year 5


Ethan Ickowicz
Pepper Banki
Theo Salek
Alexander Yu
Noa Saffron


Rafael Kuper
Alicia Randall
Leah Zipser
William Yu
Jake Vitek
Kayla Strous
Zachary Salamon

Year 6


Hannah Fekete
Isaac Shammay


Eli Jocum
Marco Meer
Cyrus Waldner
Bella Swill
Emily Seeman
Leah Joshua

Congratulations to all of these students on persevering through some mind-bending questions and on these wonderful results!