Volume 26 Issue 19 30 Jun 2017 6 Tammuz 5777


Terry Aizen – Director of Kornmehl

Year 7 music stories

We were very lucky to be able to listen to the Year 7 music stories on Monday. All the Kornmehl children sat beautifully and were a most appreciative audience.

The Year 7s performed confidently, telling their stories with the accompaniment of musical instruments. Some of the stories we heard were: The Three Cows, The Wolf and the Lamb, The Monkey and the Crocodile, The Duck Pond, The Camel, The Elephant, the Goat and the Peacock and How to Catch a Fish, to name but a few.

Thank you to Mrs Longney and the Year 7 students for the lovely performances.


The Dolphins have been interested in learning about crystals and rocks.

An interesting conversation about the crystals having powers took place. We closed our eyes and tried to feel the power emanating from the crystals. Some of us could feel it.

We wondered where crystals get their power from.

Jordan: They get them from caves and rocks

Nathan P: Electricity

Eli: The Ice King a long, long time ago, the Ice King gave them powers

Miri: From light

Ryan: I think they just had powers

Toby: When they were making the world they already had powers.

Henry: They got hit by lightning.

What kind of powers do crystals have?

Jordan: Stickiness

Sienna: Magic powers, they can take you where you want to go

Toby: To keep them stuck together so they can’t break

Alfie: Disguise themselves and disguise people

Henry: Transforming power so they transform to another type of crystal

Renee:  Some people say crystals have the power to heal. Who can explain what healing means?

Toby: It means getting your skin back on. When you hurt yourself and your skin falls off, your body has to put your skin back on so you can be normal again.

Nathan S: It also means getting your blood away, band aids can do it

Miri: Getting better

We used amethyst and agate to inspire our work with clay and crystal chips. The children were very engaged and this activity called on their fine-motor skills. They created some beautiful pieces, some children spending almost half an hour working on their 3-D installations with clay.

The children have also spent time looking closely at the shapes and colours in the crystals and visually representing them through their art work. This experience has also incorporated literacy and given the children the opportunity to express themselves in many languages.

We were also lucky enough to have Susan Sweller, Nathan Shammay’s very knowledgeable Nana come in to talk to the children about crystals. She showed the children her rock collection and set up an experiment with the children to grow their own crystals. It is going to be fascinating to watch this process over the coming weeks.

The children are learning to appreciate the beauty of nature and what the earth gives us through their investigations about crystals and rocks.

Maddy: They are made of beautiful things and lots of shines. Mother Earth made those shines inside them.


Jory and Savannah’s mum, Janice Eliovson, came in to teach the children yoga last week and this week. The children enjoyed the classes very much and responded and listened so well. Janice took us through a series of poses and exercises. Yoga truly engages the body, mind and spirit and teaches the children about inner harmony. Yoga enhances physical flexibility, balance and co-ordination. It develops focus and concentration and boosts self-esteem and confidence. Thank you, Janice, for sharing your skills so generously with us. We look forward to more yoga classes next term.


Sadly, we have to bid farewell to Lior, Michael, Eitan, Maayan and Lital Mizrachi. We wish you much success and happiness as you make Aliyah in July. We will miss you all very much and hope we can all stay in touch.

Happy Birthday

We wish a very happy birthday to Ryan Miller (5), Ellie Becker (4) and Nathan Prosser (5) We hope you had a special day.

Mazal tov

This week we had a double mazal tov in the Pre-school. Marlene Einfeld became a grandma, when her daughter Della gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on Tuesday morning and Terry’s son Jarron got engaged on Sunday.

We wish you all a safe and restful holiday. We look forward to seeing you all back at Pre-school on Tuesday 18 July.