Volume 26 Issue 26 01 Sep 2017 10 Elul 5777

Kol Szenes

Word of the week

COALESCE to grow together

Quotation of the week

“Nurturing yourself is not selfish – it’s essential to your survival and your well-being.” 
Renee Peterson Trudeau

This week in Szenes House:

  • Year 10 are enjoying Machaneh Camp in the Southern Highlands
  • We welcome back Year 11 from their week of examinations.

Mazal tov to:

  • Year 12 Drama students for completing their HSC examination
  • Years 7 and 9 on achieving pleasing NAPLAN results.

Mindfulness and Wellbeing

Our School’s motto is Mind Spirit Being. This week in Kol Szenes, the focus is on Mindfulness and Wellbeing. Mindfulness and Wellbeing are ways in which we are able to connect with our inner-self on a deeper level; in a sense, it is another form of self-respect.

Being in High School, especially, is challenging, so it is really important to be mindful through stressful times such as examinations.

Here are some useful ways that can help with mindfulness and one’s wellbeing:

  1. Yoga
  2. Meditation such as mindfulness
  3. Talking
  4. Writing
  5. Reading
  6. Listening to music.

I personally find meditating, writing, reading and listening to music extremely therapeutic and find that they are a good anti-stress mechanism.

If you are interested in trying meditation, Liron Smith (11) has organised a Meditation Club, which is held on Friday lunchtimes in the Wellbeing room in the Angles Leadership and Learning Centre.
