Volume 29 Issue 36 20 Nov 2020 4 Kislev 5781

Kabbalat Shabbat

Last week, Year 10 Kabbalat Shabbat Va’ad students planned and ran a Shabbat pe’ulah for their peers in our Year. The parashah for that week was VaYera, which includes many interesting messages, ideas and lessons that can be understood from the story of Avraham going to sacrifice to God his son, Yitschak. From the ideas in the parashah we chose to make the focus of our Pe’ulah a discussion on authority and perspective. We aimed to encourage everyone to consider when it is best to listen to authority or protest/question authority.

We had a lot of fun running the program, hearing our peers’ different ideas, and seeing them all get involved in the activities and discussions. Overall, it was a really great and enriching learning and leadership-in-partnership experience, and it was a lot of fun, we hope to have many more opportunities like this in the future!

By Lily Berger, Eden Grynberg and Remy Waller