Volume 30 Issue 23 06 Aug 2021 28 Av 5781

K-12 Sport News

Kristy Genc – Director of Sports K-12

I hope that students (and families) have been able to use these recent weeks, and the lovely weather, as an opportunity to add some physical activity to their daily schedules. Over the past week, Years 1-6 classes had the opportunity to take part in additional physical activity Zoom sessions, provided by the sports coaching staff as a great way to break up the day.

Students in Years 3-6 have also been doing a great job taking part in the Inter-House Olympics during their sport lessons and after the second week of competition the standings are: 




Years 7-12 have also been invited to take part in a range of challenges, and the newly-elected Madrichim are now on board to steer their House to victory. This week we have seen some high level football tricks and great core strength, and the current standings in the High School Inter-House Olympics are: 



On the staff front, they too are getting moving, with 40 staff members taking part in the Emanuel 30-Day Step Challenge. After a week of the challenge, it is Mr Watt’s team that is leading the way!