Volume 33 Issue 3 16 Feb 2024 7 Adar I 5784

K-12 Sport

Mateusz Rabenda – Head of Tennis

Stuart Taylor – PDHPE Teacher

 ASSISA Representative Tennis Trials
Taal Ismin and Emma Kaplan shine!

Last Friday, the Snape Park Tennis Centre in Maroubra witnessed an intense display of talent as Taal Ismin and Emma Kaplan participated in the ASSISA Representative Tennis Trials. The event brought together highly skilled students, resulting in competitive matches and impressive performances.

Taal Ismin, Year 6, demonstrated exceptional skill and determination throughout the tournament’s group stage, securing victories in all of his matches. Taal won all his matches in the final stage of the competition, where he continued to excel. His remarkable performance made him the number one player to represent ASISSA in the upcoming CIS Tennis Championships.

Emma Kaplan, Year 6, showcased her talent and competitive spirit on the tennis court. Despite facing tough opponents, she managed to win all her matches. With her impressive display of skill and determination, Emma emerged as the sole female representative selected to represent ASISSA in the upcoming CIS Tennis Championships.

We wish Taal and Emma the best of luck as they represent ASISSA on the regional stage and continue to inspire their peers with their passion for tennis.