Volume 29 Issue 32 23 Oct 2020 5 Heshvan 5781

Important Information – School Opal Cards

Expiring School Opal Cards 

From January 2021 onwards, there will be a number of School Opal cards expiring, as the physical card has reached its lifespan.

These are cards for students who will be in Years 8 to 12 in 2021, and only those Opal cards that haven’t been replaced in the last five years.

Impacted students and/or their parent/guardian will be contacted directly by Transport for NSW via email or post. They will be asked to confirm their details online in order for a new School Opal card to be sent to the correct postal address in time for the new school year.

If you are not contacted by Transport for NSW, your details should be submitted online by 1 December 2020. Affected students who do not confirm their details in time will have a new School Opal card posted to the address we currently have on file.