Volume 26 – Issue 34 24 Nov 2017 6 Kislev 5778

HSC Disability Provisions for 2018

Important notice for all Year 12 students, Year 11 accelerants and their parents

2018 HSC Disability Provisions (DP) application process

The application process for Disability Provisions started in Week 5.

Disability Provisions (DPs) are allowances determined by the New South Wales Standards Authority (NESA) on the basis of a detailed application. The rationale for DPs is to create a level playing field for all students, taking into account any factors that potentially disadvantage them relative to their cohort. They are not intended to provide any undue advantage.

In considering the relative impact of an academic, emotional, medical or physical issue, information related to any disability is submitted to NESA and reviewed by a panel of experts in related fields. Teachers’ comments, observations and information about the overall performance of students are also collected and analysed as part of the application process.

As outlined at the Year 12 information evening, any student who thinks he or she might be eligible is reminded to make an appointment with Mr Dean or Dr Joffe, as soon as possible.

Both individual and group sessions may be required for data collection, depending on the reason for the application. Students will be advised of times for individual sessions. Whilst every effort will be made to use timetabled study periods for data collection, students are advised that they must be prepared to meet at other times if requested (with notice).

The process of data collection and submission of applications requires rigour and can be lengthy. Students who do not adhere to advertised timelines and notification of sessions should be aware that this might result in a delay in their applications being submitted.


Mr Eliah Dean                                                         

Disability Provisions Co-ordinator             


Dr Lynn Joffe

Director – Specialist Learning Centre