Volume 30 Issue 20 16 Jul 2021 7 Av 5781

HS Debating

Yael Grunseit, Debating Co-ordinator

The best debater points have been tallied across the preliminary HICES Debating competition. In the senior division we have Jake Newfield ranking 1st place and Maayan Granot ranking 3rd place. 

Mazal tov Jake and Maayan. 

Overall, during the preliminary HICES rounds Emanuel School never lost a debate that we were able to participate in (our Year 11 and 12s had to forfeit a few). 

In all the debates I have been able to watch, our students maintained a high level of confidence, teamwork, and complexity in their arguments.

We wish our debaters the best of luck as they move into the final rounds of HICES, which will continue over Zoom this term.