Volume 26 Issue 28 15 Sep 2017 24 Elul 5777

Holiday Reading Fun

Helen Maynard – Director of Studies K-6

As we are all aware reading opens up worlds we could be never be part of, it provides knowledge and most importantly makes us laugh and cry. 

As we come into a holiday break it provides more time to enjoy reading – hopefully in the sun. I came across this holiday reading challenge and thought I would share it, as it may be a nice thing to do as a family. You could use this challenge or construct one as a family.

Often teachers are asked to recommend good books for students to read. The link below has a list compiled by teachers of the top 100 books children must read before leaving Primary School. www.tes.com/news/school-news/breaking-news/100-fiction-books-all-children-should-read-leaving-primary-school-%E2%80%93
