Volume 30 Issue 18 18 Jun 2021 8 Tammuz 5781


HSIE Teacher, Year 7 Co-ordinator

On Monday 7 June 2021, Year 11 and 12 Legal Studies students were privileged to hear Judge Hoy SC speak about his experiences on the District Court Bench.

The students were abuzz with excitement after his Honour’s presentation and were so appreciative of his candour and generous sharing of his expertise. 

This visit was extra special as students were unable to visit the courts this year. His Honour’s stories and presence truly affirmed the immense significance of judicial discretion in the achievement of justice. Students relished the opportunity to discuss his perspective on the intricacies of the legal system and asked thoughtful and insightful questions.


“Hearing from Judge Hoy SC was a unique privilege to gain insights from his experience on the District Court. I was grateful for the opportunity to ask his Honour a question and hear his opinions on legal concepts such as peremptory challenge, which is the removal of jurors based on appearance alone. It was interesting to counter the issues of bias with his consideration of the fairness that the three challenges, provided to both the prosecution and defence, allows in upholding the right to be tried by one’s peers. I also thoroughly enjoyed learning about his background and journey to his appointment on the bench. It was very inspiring.” By Romi Lapidge