Volume 31 Issue 17 10 Jun 2022 11 Sivan 5782

From the Year 6 Gross Motor Leaders

Saskia Esra – Year 6

Gross Motor has started and we were so excited to meet the Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 students for this year. Each Year 6 leader gets to look after a mix of students from different Year Groups. We help the students do physical activities on a Tuesday and Wednesday morning.

As a Gross Motor Leader you need to show the younger kids how to behave, listen and line up. You also get a chance to demonstrate fun activities for the relays and teach the younger kids the way to do some gross motor movements.

It has been a really fun start to the year and we love being able to show off leadership skills to the younger students. 



By Saskia Esra
Year 6 Gross Motor Leader