Volume 32 Issue 37 01 Dec 2023 18 Kislev 5784

From the Principal

Andrew Watt – Principal

This will be the final edition of Ma Nishma for 2023. Looking back, we can celebrate each student’s engagement in their learning and the progress they have made, the myriad special events, the sport, music and other co-curricular activities, community service and the friendships forged over the year. Despite the significant challenges resulting from the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel, our school community has joined together to support Israel and provide strength and comfort for each other. Our staff team have been wonderful in maintaining a culture of care and calm, despite experiencing sadness and loss themselves. We are fortunate that when our young people walk through our gates, they enter a sanctuary, where they can focus on their learning, connect with their Judaism and enjoy positive relationships.

Mini Machane Nes Ha’Or (Miracle of Light)

Whilst the Israel Immersion (Chavayah) program would be impossible to replicate, our Year 10 students experienced both the group bonding and the opportunities for collective Jewish experiences, with a focus on spreading light in dark times and unifying as a Jewish people in the face of challenges to our identity and way of life. The activities enjoyed throughout the week included a hike from Malabar to Bronte, Peulot on campus, an Israel Day, a Community Day, and a Hadracha (Leadership) Day. The events for the week culminated in a beautiful musical Kabbalat Shabbat at Watson’s Bay. Our hope is that this will have been a special time for each of our students.

Thank you to Kobi Bloom, Sidney Melamdowitz and the Informal Jewish Life team for the hours of preparation required to run this week.

The Year 10 students walked from Malabar to Bronte learning the story of Chanukah along the way. They capped the day off with a swim at Bronte and a Chevrutah session on Jewish identity and the shape of the Chanukiah.

Farewell and Thank you to our Departing High School Staff

As always, farewelling staff who have been with us, for some across many years, is bitter-sweet. We are glad for their new opportunities and the freshness of a change of environment… but we will miss them!

The following staff will depart at the end of the year, with our sincere best wishes:

  • Natalie Lijovic (Science/Mathematics)
  • Hilary de Joux (French)
  • Murat Korkut (Mathematics)
  • Danny Burley (Music)
  • Dylan Kramer (Teacher’s Aide)
  • Ariel Schronberger (Strength and Conditioning)

We wish Jessica Shanahan (English), Michelle Lyons-Zwarenstein (Maths) and Rebekah Keong (Visual Arts) well, as they take leave across 2024. A number of staff will complete their temporary contracts, and we are grateful for their contribution to our teaching and learning and wellbeing programs. Thank you to Virginia Harding, Paul Sutton, Jessica Yendell, Heather Allen, Ryan Oakes, Kerry Gilmour and Talia Weinberg.

Year 6 Pathways Graduation and Shabbat 

This special, annual event provided our Year 6 students and their families the opportunity to reflect on the growth, learning and experiences across their Emanuel Primary School journey. Many of our Year 6 students have been with us since Kornmehl or Kindergarten. The speeches by the Year 6 class teachers, Year 6 students and long-time Emanuel parent Monica Rosenfeld provided an insight into the special relationships and experiences that have occurred during Primary School. Tany Milner’s speech incorporated a selection of expressive Yiddish sayings and words, that captured many of the experiences of this cohort. Year 6 provides many leadership experiences for our students. They have embraced these opportunities with energy, creativity and responsibility. These qualities were on display, as the students led their families in a ruach-filled celebration of Shabbat, filled with our favourite Emanuel songs and tunes. 

Mazal tov to our Year 6 students and a huge thank you to the Primary Executive, Adam Carpenter, Year 6 teachers, and the Hebrew and Jewish Life teams.

Innovation Showcase

Visiting the Innovation Showcase

In this year’s Innovation Showcase, the Emanuel School Innovation Team presented an exhibition of student works ranging from Kindergarten to Year 12, illuminating the depth and breadth of our students’ engagement with design thinking, STEAM, and technology. The showcase was a vibrant testament to our commitment to fostering innovation and creativity across all year levels. Our students demonstrated exceptional skill in using technology not only as a tool for learning but also as a medium for expressing their ideas in compelling ways. This event brought to the fore projects that exemplified the integration of technology in education, showcasing everything from intricate coding exercises to imaginative STEAM applications.

The showcase was a culmination of our students’ year-long journey of exploration and discovery. It provided a platform for our young innovators to display their projects, which ranged from dynamic digital presentations to sophisticated physical models. This event not only celebrated their achievements but also highlighted the significant role that technology and innovative thinking play in modern education. By bringing together diverse works from across the School, the Innovation Showcase was a remarkable opportunity for the entire Emanuel community to witness and appreciate the incredible learning and growth that has transpired throughout the year.

Mazal Tov

Our 1sts Basketball team have progressed to the quarter finals of their division of the Australian Championships, after finishing undefeated in the pool stage. Their last two matches resulted in 59-39 and 64-45 wins! Sending them all the best for their future matches.

Quote of the Week

“If you look at history, innovation doesn’t come just from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect.“ ~Steven Johnson, Science author and media theorist

This is the last Ma Nishma of the term. I wish you and your family a Chanukah sameach and a wonderfully relaxing break!