Volume 32 Issue 33 03 Nov 2023 19 Heshvan 5784

From the Principal

Andrew Watt – Principal

A long game

Both political and military experts are predicting an extended, lengthy conflict in Israel. Whilst we remain unsure of the details and the timeline, our emotions remain heightened, as a connected community. As we conclude the fourth week of this conflict, there are few signs that it will end soon. Our hopes continue for a swift resolution, but our School is preparing for a ’long game’.

Our aim is simple – to maintain a safe and happy learning environment for our staff and students, where comfort and security is gained from the steady rhythm of our daily routines and the focus on caring for each other. Our secure campus provides a much needed respite from the uncertainty and anxiety generated by the events unfolding daily in Israel. Our focus remains on identifying those students and staff who are struggling and providing the support needed, specific to their circumstances.

The daily prayers and reading of Psalms for Israel, the lunchtime drop-in sessions for High School students, the guest speakers at assembly and staff briefings and the fundraising efforts for UIA all serve to keep our school community updated on recent events and connected to Israel. Within our School, our students thrive on the ‘normality’ of engaging lessons, caring teachers, having fun in the playground and the myriad co-curricular pursuits available to them. In a sense, we are ‘pacing ourselves’, to offer sustained support throughout this difficult time.

We encourage our parents to join us in maintaining normal family routines and to reach out if you are not travelling well. The value of eating and sleeping well, exercising, (praying, for some!), enjoying recreational activities and seeking support if needed should not be underestimated!

The Shabbat Project

Two Emanuel families, reciting kiddish at this morning’s Shabbat Project student gathering

Today students from Years K-12 participated in a moving morning of prayer and song, marking The Shabbat Project and showing support for the State of Israel, its citizens and those who are fighting for Israel’s present and future.

In particular, the students’ rendition of the song Acheinu, which was written for Jews in captivity, was powerful as a prayer directed to God, requesting God’s intervention to reunite and restore the unity of the nation of Israel.

Each student received two Shabbat candles from JCA with the hope that every Jewish family lights these candles tonight, together with Jewish families all around the word.


Our brothers and sisters
the whole house of Israel,
who are in distress
and captivity
who wander over sea
and over land.

May God have mercy on them,
and bring them
from distress to comfort,
from darkness to light,
from slavery to redemption,
now, swiftly,
and soon.

Letters of hope and support

Our students recently penned letters to Israeli soldiers and children, sharing their deep concern, wishes, hopes and dream. These precious words were taken by Danny Hochberg from Sydney to Tel Aviv, where they then travelled to the soldiers’ temporary base near Nahariya and the children at Kibbutz Shefayim. I encourage you to read this article written by Danny for the AJN, sharing his feelings of loss, joy and pain, and the journey of the Emanuel students’ letters of care.

HSC Examinations conclude! 

Celebrations on the last day of Year 12

Our Year 12 students completed their last exams this week, and the relief was palpable. No more late nights studying – all that remains is the wait for their HSC results and their ATAR. Thankfully, the large majority of our students have been offered early entry into a number of excellent university courses. Mazal tov to the Class of 2023!

Following your passion

Our Head of High School, Adam Majsay, spoke at assembly this week, encouraging our students to discover and pursue their passions. Students were asked to reflect on what activities truly excite them and to pay attention to how these activities make them feel. Mr Majsay shared his personal experiences with music and fitness as examples of his own passions, emphasising the value of experimenting and exploring new activities to find one’s passion.

Mr Majsay also highlighted the benefits of connecting with one’s passions despite a busy schedule, including the fulfilment, stress relief, creativity, and connections they can provide. He also emphasised that pursuing one’s passions can lead to success, sharing the example of Maxwell Pozniak (Year 10) who found his passion in dance and is taking a leap next year to pursue it further. Mr Majsay ended his presentation to assembly sharing a video of Maxwell’s hip hop dance performance, encouraging students to reflect on their own passions and make time to explore them.


The Year 10 elective Visual Arts students have showcased their artistic talents in a fabulous exhibition – Abstraction. The exhibition is an exploration of colour, light, form and texture and includes: dynamic paintings on shaped panels by Year 10 students, cubist inspired sculptures by Year 8 students and a collection of gestural abstract paintings by Year 4 students. Congratulations to all students and the Visual Arts team for putting together an impressive showcase of talent.

Night of Winds and Percussion

On Wednesday, 13 student ensembles from Years 3 to 12 performed for an appreciative audience at the inaugural Night of Winds and Percussion. The Primary Instrument Program students as well as Primary and High School Bands enchanted us with their music, showing great skill and enthusiasm. I congratulate Rory Nathan, Year 9, who arranged the Brass Ensemble’s piece, Tetris (Korobushka) and Oren Levin-Kahn, Year 12, who arranged Elk, performed by the Jazz Combo.

A special thank you to Diane Springford and Joanne De Araujo, as well as the Music tutors, conductors and music faculty, for preparing the students so well for this evening which nurtured our souls. We are also grateful to parent photographer, Ofer Levy, for the wonderful photos he captured on the evening. You will find more in this edition of Ma Nishma. 


This week, students showed their support for ‘Movember’ by proudly parading throughout the day with their stick-on mo’s to raise awareness for men’s physical and mental heath. To raise fund for the charity, the Wellbeing Va’ad sold rather delicious mo-shaped cookies, while a group of senior students and staff have taken on the challenge to grow their own mo’s this month. You can support their efforts by clicking here.

P&F Spring Family Camping Weekend

A number of families have signed up for this outdoor adventure, departing this afternoon for a weekend of fellowship and fun. The camp will be held at a beautiful location. We wish them a safe, restorative and restful weekend.

Quote of the week

“Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable.” ~ Leonard Bernstein

Danny Hochberg delivering Emanuel students’ cards of support to soldiers near near Nahariya

I wish you a Shabbat filled with light, hope and a deep sense of community.