Volume 29 Issue 11 30 Apr 2020 6 Iyyar 5780

From the Principal

Andrew Watt – Principal

Welcome to Term 2 

Welcome back to our e-Manuel virtual world! Our hope is that you will be reconnecting strongly to our online learning program, after enjoying a restful and relaxing home break. A small group of students have returned, to work online in the Lehrer Family Building (MPH), and I confess that it has been lovely to hear the voices and laughter of children on our campus. I am very much looking forward to the day when I can stand at the gates and greet the entire student body! My ‘welcome to students’ video clip can be accessed from this link 

Preparing for a staged return to school

The NSW Premier announced on Tuesday that the phased return to classroom teaching for Public Schools, due to commence on 11 May, would result in a move to full-time attendance “more quickly than anticipated”. Whilst no clear timeline has emerged as yet, each Independent School has also commenced their planning. Whilst we have developed a range of potential models for our transition pathway towards full-time school attendance, the survey feedback from our staff and our parents will assist us to develop the model that aligns best with the wishes of our School community. We plan to continue our e-Manuel learning program until the conclusion of Week 3, at which time we will commence our transition back to school model. The details of our transition pathway will be communicated to parents early next week.

In the meantime, we have prepared for the staged transition back to school by implementing the following safety measures: 

  1. Eight new hand-wash stations have been installed across the campus, with hand sanitiser also available in classrooms. Appropriate physical hygiene measures will continue to be reinforced on a daily basis;
  2. Temperature checks will take place on a daily basis at each entry gate. Any staff member or student with a temperature or displaying any symptoms of a cold or flu’ will return home until symptoms have cleared;
  3. Comprehensive, daily cleaning and disinfecting of our campus will be maintained, with enhanced and regular cleaning of high-touch surfaces. Bins will be provided in every classroom for used tissues and emptied regularly throughout the day;
  4. Whilst the 1.5m distance is no longer a requirement, students will be spaced wide apart in classrooms, maintaining an appropriate physical distance from their teacher. Windows will be open to allow air flow, where appropriate;
  5. Staff or students who are vulnerable to COVID-19 (e.g. chronic respiratory, immune-suppressed) will remain at home and access learning remotely.

Kindergarten to Year 8 resource packages for 536 families   

Filling resource packages for distribution across 38 suburbs was a significant logistical exercise, involving a team of 15 staff members over the break. At one stage, our MPH was filled with rows of desks, lined with packages waiting to be filled with resources for work across nine subjects – and Maltesers from the Principal! It is hoped that these packages, requiring delivery from last Friday to Wednesday, will enhance the learning of our students, particularly those involved in practical subjects. A huge thank you to the team of teachers and administration staff who led this project.

Yom HaAtzma’ut celebrations 

Emanuel students celebrated the Israel’s independence online, producing wonderful Israeli-inspired videos and works of art. Thank you to the Jewish Life team for their work in creating engaging programs to mark this important day in the calendar. If you haven’t yet seen Isaac’s (Year 1) video on how to make Shakshuka, head to the Emanuel School Community Facebook page

Mother’s Day

Our P&F Committee work so hard every year to create a delicious and welcoming Mother’s Day breakfast for Emanuel mothers, grandmothers and special friends. Like so many other events and activities, this year we’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day in a different way. Please take a photo of your and your family enjoying Mother’s Day together and email these to p&f@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au. We’ll be creating a video collection of these photos – marking this special day together, but apart.

Keeping connected with Emanuel School grandparents 

Sadly, for the first time in Emanuel history, we were unable to welcome grandparents to our Pesach sederim due to the restrictions on social gatherings. I have reached out to Emanuel grandparents with a bi-monthly newsletter, designed to keep them connected to the School and provide information to help ease the stress of isolation. If your parents have not received these newsletters, please send their contact details to Michelle Favero at mfavero@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au.

Staff departures

Martin Rembson (HSIE) and Mark Dunn (SLC) departed our School at the conclusion of Term 1 with our sincere best wishes. Martin Rembson has returned to Sweden to be with his family and Mark Dunn has taken on an English teaching role at another school. We are very grateful to Craig Moss, our Co-ordinator of Gifted and Talented (High School), for picking up Mr Rembson’s Year 12 Business Studies class. Heath Morley has been appointed as Acting Head of Rabin House for Term 2. Sarah De Wilt will re-join our staff and teach within our SLC.

Midford uniform store now open in Avoca Street 

If you go down to Avoca Street today, you’re in for a big surprise. Midford has opened its doors at its premises at Shop 3,
155 Avoca Street, Randwick. The site is larger, air conditioned and close to our campus, with parking available at the nearby Royal Randwick Shopping Centre. 

The shop’s opening hours have temporarily changed to:

  • Monday: 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
  • Thursday: 1.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Considering the current social distancing requirements, you may wish to:

You can also call ahead to make an appointment for Winter uniform fittings on 9326 5445.

For security and hygiene purposes, the uniform shop is now cashless, so please be prepared when planning your shopping trip.

Mazal tov

  • Isaac Grove, Year 12, is a finalist of the Head On Student Photography Award. His image will appear in the online exhibition from 2 May 2020. There is an interesting line up of photography workshops and interviews for the Head On Photo Festival at https://www.headon.com.au/whatson/pinboard/2020-05
  • A group of Year 6 girls ran fun Zoom sessions in the school holidays for other girls in Primary. Activities included book club, five sessions of baking, soccer skills, dance lessons, serviette folding, Minecraft club, and more. What a wonderful way to stay connected.

Quote of the day

“Innovation is a state of mind.”

James O’Loghlin