Volume 28 Issue 14 17 May 2019 12 Iyyar 5779

From the Principal

Andrew Watt – Principal


One of the most difficult things about parenting is watching your child struggle or experience pain, especially emotional pain. With physical pain, we can get a band-aid or see a doctor (the very act of doing something makes us feel better), but with emotional pain we are often quite powerless. As a parent, I have found it difficult to push past these feelings of helplessness, which are almost intolerable at times. However, I have come to realise that sometimes it is my pain that I am trying to stop, not my child’s, and I have also realised that in doing so, I am robbing them of valuable moments of learning and growth and of developing one of the most important life skills; resilience. Resilience is the ability to experience and manage discomfort, pain, sadness and disappointments. As a parent of older children, I can see now that all these difficult moments along the way prepared them for the bigger disappointments that are inevitably going to come their way in life.

Judith Locke, in her (highly recommended) book, The Bonsai Child, believes that modern parenting is in crisis – that parents are putting more time and effort into raising their children than ever before, but children’s self-esteem, resilience and wellbeing don’t appear to be improving. She argues that it is the most committed and involved parents that are the most anxious and demanding. A recent article; Too much love: helicopter parents could be raising anxious, narcissistic children, highlights that the process of “helicopter” or “lawn mower” parenting can make things go spectacularly wrong. Whilst it is a confronting read, I felt that it was worth sharing. At the very least, we can take a moment to reflect on our parenting style and what sort of parent we want to be. 


Exploring the delights of Israel – the Israel Expo

Our Year 8 students were tasked to explore an area of Israel that excited and interested them. They spent a term researching their area of expertise to better understand its history in Israel, its connection to Australia and how it makes the world a better place. Students were able to then creatively communicate their research in an expo stall that included activities, giveaways and quizzes, so that the expo guests could learn more about their area of Israel. Visitors enjoyed a wide range of colourful and interactive stands, including Tourism, Archaeology, Performing Arts, Food and Science. Well done to the students and teachers involved.

Lunch with the Primary School madrichim

Following on from my lunches with the High School madrichim last term, it was a delight to host the Primary School madrichim. I was impressed by their maturity, energy and sense of humour; we enjoyed a far-ranging conversation that covered their current projects, challenges of leadership and reflections on their leadership training. It was clear that they took their leadership roles and responsibilities very seriously, seeking to make a difference and to serve.

Happy 97th Birthday 

Adam Blackman, President of the School Board, with Mr Kleinlehrer OAM

Mr Aron Kleinlehrer OAM, founder, friend and generous supporter of Emanuel School since its inception in 1983, celebrated an impressive 97th birthday this week. Over 40 guests were entertained by the very professional Emanuel School Mendelssohn Chamber Strings, with four talented Emanuel students singing Happy Birthday and Yom Huledet Sameach to Mr Kleinlehrer. The Year 10 Food Technology and Year 11 Hospitality students made and served a delicious spread, while Jessica Turtledove, Year 10, made a very festive birthday cake.

Thank you to Michelle Favero and Belinda Levin for all their work in making this evening a success. 

We’re all looking forward to celebrating Mr Kleinlehrer’s 98th birthday in 2020! Yom Huledet Sameach!

Mazal tov to:

Genevienve Goldman and Samantha Bauer – Head of Drama

  • Genevieve Goldman (Alumna 2018) received the June Frater Award for excellence in HSC Drama.
  • The grandparents, parents staff and students who took part in the Mother’s Day Classic on Sunday.
  • Emanuel Opens Girls Futsal team for winning NSW Schools Regional Futsal Championships
  • Alan Drannikov who was selected in the AICES 16 years Rugby team
  • Gabriella Goodridge who placed 3rd in the 100m butterfly at NSW All Schools Swimming Championships
  • The Mendelssohn Chamber Strings – Ashley Kim, Chloe Miller, Lara Fosbery, Shane Doust, Nathaniel Spielman and Rebekah Goldwsorthy. The students, led by Leo Novikov, played a selection of beautiful music for Mr Kleinlehrer’s 97th Birthday party. 
  • The Vocal Quartet comprising students Amber Langman, Talia Blackman, Lachlan Corne and Ezra Hersch, who sang Yom Huledet Sameach and Happy Birthday to Mr Kleinlehrer, who was moved to tears by their voices. 

Events for your diary

Parent workshops:
3, 11 and 19 June (in The Millie Phillips Theatre), 7.00 pm – 8.15 pm
See Primary News page for more information on the topics being covered.

Breakfast with Emanuel:
12 June (in Bondi Junction) and 19 June (in the city), 7.00 am – 8.30 am
Join us for a light breakfast and hear from Kim Slender, our school counsellor, and myself, as we delve into the topics of deep learning and student well-being. For more information visit the Gesher page. 

Quote of the week

“Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up on your right to be wrong, because you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism.” David M. Burns