Volume 24 Issue 27 02 Sep 2016 29 Av 5776

From the Head of Primary

Milner Tanya preferred picZFA Conference

Last week, I was lucky enough to spend two days with our Hebrew and Jewish Studies teachers at the Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) Conference. It was wonderful to be immersed in different ideas about Hebrew and Jewish Studies teaching as well as hearing different inspirational presenters from Australia and around the world. I was particularly proud of our Emanuel teachers who delivered presentations with passion, enthusiasm and expertise.

Thank you to the following Emanuel presenters: Hagit Bar-On, Anna Maylis, Jenny Udovich, Erika Ktalav, Jodi Cohen, Rebecca Gaida and Kobi Bloom.

Chess Success

Our Primary School A Chess Team has had a phenomenal season with last Friday’s game being the Metropolitan East final. We played Sydney Grammar and it was set to be a tough round! With much skill (and excitement) our team won 6-2. Our team are therefore the winners in Metropolitan East and progress into the Metropolitan finals. This is a HUGE accomplishment and we are so proud of Jesse Gothelf, Jesse Herdan, Daniel Melamed and Zac Sidley. What an achievement! I would also like to thank Colleen Elkins and Michael Todd for their amazing support, organisation, coaching and expertise. It has truly been a team effort!

Fathers Day

Thank you to the P&F for once again organising a wonderful Fathers Day breakfast and stall for us. The morning was a huge success and a special opportunity for us to welcome some very special members of our community to celebrate with us. We are also so grateful to the P&F for creating the stall for us and allowing us the opportunity to select some special gifts to take home. Wishing all our dads and grandfathers a wonderful Fathers Day and a special Sunday!

 National Tree Day

Thank you to Year 3 for their wonderful National Tree Day initiative. The Year 3 Make a Difference (MAD) project focuses upon environmental issues and action. Three students were inspired by this and created the National Tree Day initiative. Mazal tov to Devan Bloch, Ashley Cohn and Violet Nathanson – thank you for your proactivity.

Seven Habits of Successful Families

On Monday evening, Emma Clemens, Kim Slender and I thoroughly enjoyed presenting the first of our two-part series on Seven Habits of Successful Families. During the workshop, we introduced the structure of the 7 Habits and spent time exploring the first three Habits. These all focus on personal effectiveness and action and are outlined briefly below:

Habit 1 – Be Proactive

This course presents three key concepts within Being Proactive.

  1. The first relates to the Circle of Control and the Circle of No Control. This encourages us to spend time and energy trying to impact things we can control (our preparation and organisation, our own reactions etc) and not waste time on things we cannot control (traffic, weather, managing other people’s reactions).
  2. The second key concept within being proactive is Stop – Think – Do. This encourages us to ensure we are building a pause or thinking time between the stimulus and response. This pause time allows us to think and choose our responses mindfully, rather than reacting without thought. This section focuses on fizzy or reactive responses verses calm or proactive responses
  3. Finally, Being Proactive focuses upon using proactive, not reactive language. Proactive language includes phrases such as, “I can”, “I choose”. Reactive language includes phrases such as, “I have to”, “It isn’t my fault”. Encouraging students and families to use proactive language is more likely to lead to a positive tone, taking responsibility and positive action.

Habit 2 – Begin With The End in Mind

This is the habit of vision and encourages us to crystalise our thoughts about what we want within our lives and families. It encourages us to look at the different roles and responsibilities we have in our lives and what legacy we would like to leave in each of these roles. This then connects us to the next habit so we are able to develop an action plan or steps that are likely to lead to the achievement of this legacy.

Habit 3 – Put First Things First

This habit encourages us to identify and prioritise the things that are important in our lives and put these first. Within this habit, we are taught to develop our personal and family mission statements that are guided by our values and give direction to our actions.

The program suggests prioritising activities that are likely to lead to our end goal. Relevant actions may include scheduling one on one time with family members, planning regular family meals, setting time aside to do activities together and building family traditions and rituals. 

Upcoming Dates

  • 5 September: Parent Information Session – 7 Habits For Families Part 2, 7:00-8:30pm, Angles Leadership and Learning Centre
  • 6 September: Years K-6 BBQ (See below)
  • 6 September: Year 4 James Roy author presentation
  • 6 September: HJEI Chess, 8:30-3:00pm Mount Sinai
  • 8 September:  Parent Information Session – 7 Habits For Jewish Parenting, 7:30-8:30am, Primary Library
  • 9 September: Year 5 Interrelate Minding Me program
  • 9 September: Years 5-6 IPSHA Debating versus St Spyridon College
  • 12 September: Parent Teacher Night, 4:00-9:00pm, MPH
  • 13-14 September: School Photos – music, sport and extra-curricular 
  • 14 September: Parent Teacher Night, 4:00-6:30pm
  • 14 September: CIS Athletics
  • 15 September: Year 3 Great Mates Day
  • 16 September: Project Heritage, 11:15-1:10pm, MPH
  • 16 September: 1 Be’er Sheva Assembly Class Item (Talia Hynek’s Class)
  • 18-26 September: Year 6 Northern Territory Trip
  • 22 September: Years K-2 Gala Day, Centennial Park
  • 23 September: Rosh Hashanah and Grandparents and Friends Day, 9:30-11:45am MPH


When: Tuesday 6 September

Why: Indigenous Literacy Foundation

Cost: $3.50 for sausage sizzle

Booking: On the day, students need to bring a sealed envelope with the correct money inside (no change will be given). On the front, please write the child’s name and the order. 

The options are listed below:

1. Sausage sizzle $3.50

2. Gluten free sausage sizzle $3.50

3. Vegetarian sausage sizzle $3.50

The canteen will also be open.