Volume 24 Issue 37 25 Nov 2016 24 Heshvan 5777

From the Head of Jewish Life

Rabbi Daniel Siegel

Rabbi Daniel Siegel, Head of Jewish Life

In this week’s parashah, Chayei Sarah, The “Life of Sarah”, we read of the death of Avraham.It appears the two were inextricably linked, so that the death of Sarah, recorded at the start of this parashah, is followed by that of Avraham. They could not live without each other.

It was said that the tent of Avraham and Sarah was open on all sides, so that anyone needing sustenance could find it through their generosity. This week, in our Volunteers Assembly, we recognised those who are generous with their time and resources. Our tradition points out that

we can read the words “Chayei Sarah” as the “Lives of Sarah”. That, through her generosity, her life gave life to others.

Our volunteers, too, give life to our school and touch and augment the lives of our students. This parashah teaches us, as do our volunteers, that our lives can only be blessed in the benefiting of others.

We read as well in this parashah וה’ ברך את אברהם בכל – “And God blessed Avraham with everything”. Our tradition suggests we understand these words as “And God blessed Avraham through everyone”. In enriching the lives of others we bring blessings upon ourselves.

As Avraham and Sarah were vital to each other and to their community so are our volunteers to us.

May our volunteers be rewarded with blessed lives even as they bless the lives of our children and our school community.