Volume 26 Issue 28 15 Sep 2017 24 Elul 5777

From Kornmehl

Alexandra Levy

Rosh Hashanah

We have been learning about the festival of Rosh Hashanah and all its beautiful rituals and traditions. We have been learning lots of new songs related to this rich festival.

The children have been working on their Shofar blowing skills and through perseverance and practice are beginning to master the art of shofar blowing and making cards for Rosh Hashanah. To inspire their artwork, apples, pictures of bees, shofarot and honey jars have been positioned on the table. They have been encouraged to look closely at these objects and represent them in their own unique ways. Black textas, watercolours and collage materials were the art mediums provided for the children.

Literacy was also incorporated into the experience where the invitation to copy relevant words in English and in Hebrew was given. This was a good opportunity to discuss language conventions, for example, we write from left to right in English, but from right to left in Hebrew.

Post box visits

With the Rosh Hashanah cards stamped, addressed and ready to go, the three groups ventured down to the local letter box to post their special cards. We discussed what we put on the envelope, and how the post person knows which house to deliver the card to. We also had a look at a You Tube clip which explained the journey of our mail and how it gets from one place to another. On the clip we saw all the different machines that are used to sort through the mail.  

The Seashell, Starfish and Dolphin groups walked to the post box to post our special Rosh Hashanah cards to our families to wish them a Shana Tovah.


This term parents have been joining us for Shabbat each Friday morning when their child is sitting at the Shabbat table. It’s always very special to share Shabbat with parents and the extended families. We value this time together. The children always feel so proud and happy to have their mishpacha join us and participate with enthusiasm and joy.

Parent involvement

Involving parents and grandparents in the life of our Pre-school adds enormous benefits and value to our program. We work hard to establish collaborative partnerships with families, recognising how important this is for each child to thrive, gain confidence and develop their emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. We invite parents to be a part of this journey through many different and varied avenues, these include: Parent Club, Parent Partnership forms, Parent surveys, baking and cooking, gardening, Bush School, reading books, sharing a talent or hobby as well as inviting them to have input into our program through suggestions and ideas shared with educators.

Educators recognise that families are children’s first and most influential teachers. Partnerships are based on the foundations of understanding each other’s expectations and attitudes, and build on the strength of each other’s knowledge.

It is very clear and evident to see, as we approach the end of the Term 3 of the year, how happy and settled the children are; how familiar they are with routines and expectations; how friendships have been established; how much trust each child shares with their educators and how much wonderful learning is taking place through the creative arts, through music and movement, through imaginative play and outdoor explorations. The list is endless…the possibilities endless…the fun and learning endless!

We are thrilled to have parents accompany us on this exciting journey with their children.

Happy Birthday

We wish a very happy birthday to Luca Schwartz (4) and Ethan Kachtan (5). We hope you both had a very special day.