Volume 29 Issue 24 14 Aug 2020 24 Av 5780

For Lebanon with Love

Daphna Levin-Kahn – Head of Jewish Studies High School

For Lebanon with Love

You may recall in February this year, as a result of the bushfires, Emanuel School received beautiful and touching messages of love and support from Robbins Hebrew Academy in Toronto, Canada. The thoughtfulness of the gesture and the uplift it gave our community inspired us to send these messages to the Lebanese community of Sydney, drawing our communities closer and wrapping them in love.

Dear Leaders and Members of the Lebanese Christian and Muslim Communities of Sydney,

There are many tragic events that happen in our world and, understandably, we are not able to respond to each one in this manner.

However, on discussing the devastating news from Beirut last week in our Year 10 class, we realised how much more difficult this particular experience would be on yourselves, your families and friends as the COVID Pandemic prevents you from being in Lebanon when you are most needed or most wish to be there.

We hope that the words and prayers of our young students at Emanuel School, a Jewish Day School in Eastern Sydney, will help bring you some comfort and healing energy in this tough time, and that carrying you in our hearts will lift some of your sorrow.

Wishing you and your families – and for the whole world – healing of body, mind and soul, speedily and in our days.

Hoping for a Better Future – Luca

Hopes & Wishes – Jasmine

Our prayers are with you – Zac


B’Shalom, Bisalam, In Peace

Daphna Levin-Kahn and Year 10 Students of Emanuel School