Volume 31 Issue 24 12 Aug 2022 15 Av 5782

Emanuel TV

Adam Ezekiel – Director of Students

Cyber safety series

In today’s digital world, 90 percent of a child’s socialisation occurs online. As the range of social media platforms grows, so too does the opportunity for bullying and stalking.

Often parents have no idea that their child is a victim and kids are unlikely to report it for fear of losing access to their technology, which to them, is the equivalent of “social death”.

Teens are often unaware that their words, and/or photos, can sometimes find their way to an unexpected audience with undesirable consequences. The key is not to fear technology, but to embrace it.





In the School TV Cyber Safety series, parents can learn how to keep their children safe from online predators through a range of resources on the following topics:

  • Managing Screen Time
  • Internet Addiction
  • Digital Reputation
  • Cyberbullying
  • Impact of Gambling
  • Online Pornography
  • Sexting

The eSafety Commissioner also has a range of excellent resources and advice in their article: 

Taming the Technology:’ How to use parental controls and other tools to maximise online safety in your home.

“No parental control tool is 100%  effective. Helping your child build good online safety habits is just as important.”