Volume 30 Issue 37 03 Dec 2021 29 Kislev 5782

Our writers

David Camp – Head of English and Library, Year 11 Tutor

We’ve come to that time of the year again – The Emanuel School Writers’ Awards!

Each year, in the High School, we recognise the wonderful written work that our students do throughout the year, either for school or for external writing competitions, or just for fun. This year, for the second year running (thanks Covid!) the glitzy Presentation Evening has had to be cancelled in favour of an even more glitzy website!

Our Emanuel School Writers’ Awards 2021 website contains a virtual treasure trove of amazing writing from our nominees for Emanuel School’s Writer of the Year. Each nominee has work on display and the work from our talented English Extension 2 students is also on display.

And if you are only interested in who won the awards, then the website is also for you – the winners of our Most Dedicated Awards and Writer of the Year Awards are announced on the site!

Click here to enjoy the students’ work.

The website does work on mobile devices but is best experienced on a computer.

Happy reading!