Volume 26 Issue 10 07 Apr 2017 11 Nisan 5777

Emanuel School Foundation


As the Chairman of the Emanuel School Foundation I am often asked why a school – any school – needs a foundation. With the cost of private schools at a premium, the assumption of surplus and “plenty” abounds.  However, this assumption does not hold true across the community. There are many parents who are passionate about a Jewish education for their children but simply cannot afford it.

At Emanuel, with the spirit of tikkun olam embedded in the philosophy of Mind, Spirit, Being, it is particularly apt that we have a foundation to assist with bursaries, scholarships and in certain cases of financial difficulty in participating in school programs such as the Year 10 Chavayah experience.

Our Foundation is committed to helping as many in our community as possible receive an education – a Jewish education, an Emanuel School education.  

I am particularly proud that we are able to educate students who will, with Emanuel’s philosophy, be committed to the Jewish community, their heritage, ethical living and the State of Israel. Together we work to develop caring and contributing members of the Jewish community and Australian society.

As we approach the festival of Passover I am reminded how this story is one of the oldest and most inspiring stories of hope ever told. It speaks about the strength of a nation, and it is a story that more than a hundred generations of our ancestors handed to their children and that we do likewise millennia later.  We are the guardians of this narrative and of the history of our people.  I hope through our Foundation we too can give hope to others and continue to build an even stronger Emanuel community.

More information on our Foundation is available here.  

Charles Aronson
