Volume 30 Issue 31 22 Oct 2021 16 Heshvan 5782

Disability Provisions

Dr Lynn Joffe – Director – Specialist Learning Centre

Eliah Dean – Coordinator – Disability Provisions

HSC 2022 applications for Disability Provisions (DPs)

A small number of students in each Year Group in the School have a disability that is part of their learning profile and impacts their performance in assessments; Year 12 is no exception. A disability is a clearly defined feature of performance that is subject to diagnosis by medical and/or allied health specialists and/or educators. If substantiated, a student may be eligible to apply for Disability Provisions for HSC Examinations.

NESA is the only body responsible for the granting of Disability Provisions. These are not school-based decisions, despite sometimes inflammatory-sounding comments in the press or on social media platforms.

The purpose of Disability Provisions is to ensure that, as far as is possible, all students have an equal chance of accessing the HSC examinations. The level playing field that NESA supports does not consider students in relation to their own underlying abilities; it seems that the panel of experts who assist in making determinations work from putative levels of literacy and numeracy and other criteria, scores below which mean that students are granted DPs and above which they are not.

To emphasise the point, since it is sometimes regarded as unfair by students, is that NESA is not concerned about granting students Disability Provisions so that they feel they can maximise their potential. Disability Provisions are granted to enable those with a disability, that has been demonstrated to impact performance, to engage with examination questions with, at the very least, a minimal level of equity. The notion is that of a level playing field. Most students would perform better with some extra time or a rest break during an examination – that is NOT the point; the issue is that some students are at a disadvantage relative to the majority of students in NSW (not relative to other Emanuel students) if not provided these adjustments. We know that this is often frustrating for students and parents/guardians.

If medication or other adjustments are effective in enabling an individual to operate fairly compared to other students, Disability Provisions might not be indicated, even if a disability exists and support is provided by external specialists. NESA makes allowances for student with a disability for which the latter is not the case and for which there is documented evidence and the School’s and teachers’ support.  

The process

The process of applying for, and managing, Disability Provisions is managed by staff of the Specialist Learning Centre (SLC), particularly Mr Dean, assisted by Dr Joffe, with whom initial contact should be made.

If warranted, this will trigger school-based assessments to determine whether an application for Disability Provisions is warranted.

A process of data collection will follow, involving some or all of the following:

  • Students need to discuss the grounds for application with their parents/guardians and all teachers
  • Depending on the Disability Provision being applied for:
    o Essays will need to be written under different conditions, depending on the disability and literacy tests will be administered
    o Teachers will be asked to comment on whether they see a need for a Disability Provision and why
    o Medical and other forms will be required from external specialists
    o Students will be required to complete a statement detailing why a Disability Provision is essential.


Application for Disability

Given that applications are often complex and lengthy, times are assigned by SLC staff, in consultation with subject teachers. These are not negotiable unless there is an acceptable reason for non-compliance.

Actions required:

Students who feel they might be eligible for Disability Provisions need to speak to either Mr Dean or Dr Joffe by Friday 30 October 2021.

For those students who appear to qualify, a process will be discussed with them and their parents/guardians. Actions and timelines will be specified and these need to be adhered to strictly. Students who do not adhere to the timelines advised during information sessions and advertised in notices and in Ma Nishma will not be prioritised; they will need to wait until the relevant staff are able to timetable relevant sessions. This will delay applications.

If an application is indicated, in students’ best interests, data collection needs to be initiated no later than Friday 5 November 2021.

Students or parents/guardians are invited to address questions to Mr Dean or Dr Joffe as soon as possible. We wish to work effectively to ensure NESA receives the necessary information as early as possible. Whilst the decision is ultimately out of our hands, we are here to support students as best we can.