Volume 30 Issue 23 06 Aug 2021 28 Av 5781

Coping with online learning

Adam Ezekiel – Director of Students 7-12

Parents – coping with online learning

We often talk to our students about flipping the way we look at things. When faced with challenges, look for the good things no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they are. I am sure we have all used the proverbial ‘every cloud has a silver lining’ over the last couple of months. During this challenging time of lockdown and students learning from home, we all need to look a little bit harder for that ‘silver lining.’

Below is a good article from the Black Dog Institute with tips and strategies for parents managing their children learning from home.

How parents can cope with homeschooling – again!

Here is an excerpt from the article which could be a ‘silver lining’ during these challenging times:

“Home schooling is a rare opportunity for parents to gain greater insight into what their child is learning, a new chance to get to know their child and their world outside the home, and to learn what they enjoy most or struggle with when learning.”