Volume 27 Issue 18 22 Jun 2018 9 Tammuz 5778

Connecting our Community – Gesher

Sonia Newell – Development Officer

Doctor doctor!

Dr Ian Kern with his wife, Vicky

This time of year most universities hold their bi-annual graduation ceremonies.  Many of our past students have recently finished their degrees and are part of these formal graduation ceremonies – we wish them all mazal tov.

One very special mazal tov goes to grandparent, Dr Ian Kern, who graduated from UNSW on Monday with a PhD. His thesis title was The Proliferation of Medical Specialisation: A Participatory Account. He graduated at the age of 81, with degrees in Medicine, Science, Surgery and BA Hons. “As you can imagine, we’re all very proud of him!”, says his daughter, Emanuel parent and member of our Marketing Committee, Adrianne Kern whose brother Michael, together with his wife Sam, own Tucker, a popular Café in Randwick frequented by many of our staff and parents.

Another recent PhD graduate (through The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering) is current parent and alumnus (Class of 2002), Dr Ari Shammay, pictured opposite with his wife Naomi.  His thesis topic was Foul Air Contaminant Removal in Sewer Odour Control Systems.

Save the date:

On Tuesday 28 August, our Grandparents Committee is hosting a morning tour of the Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prizes and Exhibitionat the Art Gallery of NSW. Tickets are $20 per person. The event is open to all members of our School community. Booking details will be out soon.

If you have news to share, please send to: snewell@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au