Volume 27 Issue 5 02 Mar 2018 15 Adar 5778

Community Connections – Gesher

Sonia Newell – Development Officer

The Founders Board in the John Saunders Building (Administration) includes names of founders of the School with direct connections to more than a dozen current families. The late Morris Silberbach together with his wife Fira, as prominent members of Temple Emanuel Woollahra were, like so many of the other founders of Emanuel School, approached by Rabbi Fox in the early 1980s, to donate funds to help establish the School which opened in 1983.  This year, Morris’ great granddaughters Chloe and Milly Ginzberg started here in Years 3 and 6 respectively. They are pictured here with their grandmother Anne Erber (Silberbach), Morris and Fira’s daughter.

Eve (Guerry) Foltyn, Class of 1998 – Head Madricha, has returned to School this year as a new parent and is pictured below with daughters Lily (Year 3), Matilda (Year K) and Hazel, aged 1, a future Emanuel student, we hope.

As we celebrate 35 years since the School opened, we are seeking old school uniforms to be used for a display tracing our history.  If you are one of our past students, perhaps you have your old School uniform or part of, hiding in your wardrobe or that of your parents, which we could borrow or maybe you would like to donate to us, so please let me know.  Here are some photos of students wearing past versions of the Emanuel uniforms– how different did our students look then. 


Years 1 and 2 – 1984

Group shot of students in the ‘old’ uniform

If you have news you would like to share with our School community, please send it to: snewell@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au