Volume 29 Issue 11 30 Apr 2020 6 Iyyar 5780

Cely Malki Program

Dr Lynn Joffee – Director Specialist Learning Centre

Cely Malki Program – up and running in a new format

The Cely Malki Program will be welcoming students between Years 5 – 12 back from Monday 4 May 2020.  As with everything else at the moment, it will run in a modified format online.

Everyone should log into the joint Zoom session and, when you need individual assistance, ask Dr Joffe who will ‘send’ you to a breakout room with a teacher or one of the alumni tutors for a limited time.

The Zoom Meeting Link here is to all sessions so please ensure that you save it.  It will be active for sessions on Mondays and Thursdays.

Please let Dr Joffe know if you will be attending and on which day/s.

Another option while online

If you, or a small group of students in the same grade, need assistance outside of these times, there are a limited number of sessions available in which we might be able to schedule a session with a teacher or tutor, as long as a third person is available to sit in on the session; no 1:1 session is possible without this. Please email Dr Joffe to let her know if you would like to take advantage of this offer (ljoffe@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au).

Remember to have work ready for each session you attend and bring your A game!

The Cely Malki Team