Volume 27 Issue 22 03 Aug 2018 22 Av 5778


Claire Pech – Careers Advisor

UAC is open for business!

UAC officially opens up this week. This means that everyone in Year 12 can now apply for their university preferences. The closing date for on-time applications is 29 September. Students can still apply after this date, but prices jump from $70 to $200. I encourage everyone in Year 12 to apply by the on-time application date, even if they are unclear of their choices. They then have until mid-December to finalise their top five list.

I have done a walk-through of the process with Year 12. I also include a step-by-step video of what to do – it is a very straightforward process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nlshz2T8qY&index=2&list=PLvsY3_V9O-ThwqY7R4lLyZWgTgm3wbywF. For all Year 12s, UAC have now sent out a PIN via email. This needs to be stored, and a few students have found this in their own ‘junk’ or ‘clutter’ folders.

Open day season

August also begins the open day season. I want to encourage ALL students to take advantage of these days and attend. I see concrete decisions being made each year, as a result of attending open days, talking to students, lecturers, and wandering around getting a feel and sense of the potential university they are going to attend. Here is the full list, which I have provided to students. Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 can attend these, and usually multiple visits over a few years, can really help. I encourage parents to take students along as there are always multiple clashes, especially the last weekend of August.