Volume 31 Issue 5 04 Mar 2022 1 Adar II 5782


Claire Pech – Careers Advisor

Australian National University (ANU)

Last week the Australian National University (ANU in Canberra) visited us for the Year 12 first university talk. Being the #1 university in Australia and #31 in the world we can see why this is an exciting opportunity. The reason I invited ANU so early in the year was because their admissions opens up this week, but more importantly, closes in May. Even students who have not considered moving to Canberra before should apply.





These dates above were updated over the weekend and are now open and ready for business. By the time you see this, you will be able to apply and the the process is free. As I tell all of my students, for those who are interested and tempted to move out and can realistically financially make it work, I always give a gentle push in this direction. I say this because the life-learning, as opposed to the academic-learning, that takes place when you have to cook, clean, and care for yourself can be a great step towards independence and self-sufficiency.

Some students have expressed an interest in the Tuckwell scholarship, probably the most coveted scholarship in Australia. For more details about this scholarship that has been created to give back to Australia, read on here.

Sydney University