Volume 29 Issue 32 23 Oct 2020 5 Heshvan 5781


Claire Pech – Careers Advisor

One of the good things to come out of the COVID-19 times for a lot of people is the new ability for people to engage via Zoom, MS Teams and other conferencing software that has brought people and information together, in a way that did not happen before.

Careers has also benefitted through this time. Whereas before universities and tertiary institutions were hoping to get students to walk through their gates (now a tricky feat), they have moved to providing so many webinars, live Q & As, talks, student sessions and more. I encourage everyone to engage with this, register with some of the big places in Sydney if that is where you want to study now or beyond.



Webinars for the following:


 Sydney University

  • Scholarships for entry into Engineering worth $10,000 here
  • Electrical and Information Engineering and Diversity here
  • Scholarships in Sustainability (Science) here
  • Physics and Maths scholarships here
  • Equity scholarships here
  • A new major in Disability and Participation and Health here
  • A new major in Biological Design here 
  • 10 reasons to study Engineering at Sydney University here



Some great videos and links to professions that start at TAFE. Click here for more information on video links. 
For creative c
areers – click here for more information. 


For anyone who is interested in the world of events, here is a link that may interest you. 


For people who want to help in the Allied Health field, without having one of these roles, there is the option of becoming an assistant. For instance, there are Allied Health Courses which people can take in order to qualify for a role in assistance. Allied health assistants provide assistance to health practitioners including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, podiatrists, speech pathologists and dietitians. Another option in health is to become an Assistant in Nursing. More information can be found here.

How to apply for a job at Woolies

This is a helpful for link for many students looking for part time work. There is a questions and answers page and other information here