Volume 29 Issue 23 07 Aug 2020 17 Av 5780


Claire Pech – Careers Advisor

Australian National University (ANU)

The ANU Career Wheel is a great graphic for anyone wanting to figure out what degree comes from what interest.

These degrees are all based in Canberra but it also can direct you to a career pathway if you are confused. ANU, ranked as Australia’s number one university, has a host of degrees that are up there with the world’s best.

Design Your Life

I love this Design Your Life TED talk by Bill Burnett of Stanford. I think it is a comfort for anyone beginning this process: Year 12’s, Year 11’s, Year 10’s, a parent, teacher, or anyone reading this!

It has a few comforting ideas:

  • Hardly anyone knew or knows what they want to do with huge conviction (maybe about 2%)
  • Try for about three different career ideas, not just one (keeping options open)
  • Don’t get bogged down with choice paralysis (make the decision and walk that way)

I have found over the last few weeks as I have been speaking with students as young as Year 8, with some parents as old as me (!), that everyone feels a bit rattled when making these decisions. The video normalises the decision making process.