Volume 27 Issue 35 16 Nov 2018 8 Kislev 5779

Save these dates – Annual prize presentations

Annual school prize presentations 

Wednesday 5 December

9 am:  Kornmehl Seashells concert in The Aron Kleinlehrer Performing Arts Centre (PAC)

Thursday 6 December

6 pm: Kornmehl Dolphin-Starfish concert and graduation in the Lehrer Family Building (MPH)

Wednesday 12 December

9 am: Years K-2 Presentation Day in the MPH

6 pm:  Years 3-6 Presentation Night in the MPH

Thursday 13 December

7 pm: Years 7-12 Annual Speech Night and prize giving at the The Sir John Clancy Auditorium, The UNSW

The Primary and High School events are compulsory for students and parents are very welcome to attend.

Parent donations

The awarding of prizes to students at the annual prize presentations is a highlight of our calendar.  

As has been the custom at Emanuel, we invite parents and community members to contribute to the life of Emanuel School by becoming a prize donor or continuing as a prize donor.  

If you would like to donate a prize for this year’s High School Prize Presentation on Thursday 13 December, please email Darryl Bourke at dbourke@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au

To donate a prize for this year’s Primary School Presentation evening on Wednesday 12 December, please email Holly Dillon at  hdillon@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au

You may wish to donate a ten-year prize ($650), a five-year prize ($325) or an annual prize ($65). All donations can be made to Emanuel School Library Fund and are then tax deductible.