Volume 26 Issue 15 26 May 2017 1 Sivan 5777

A room with a view

Sonia Newell – Development Officer

Connecting our community

Thank you to Ronen Vexler and Ashley Rockman at PwC, Barangaroo, for providing the venue for our CBD Breakfast with Emanuel session on Wednesday morning. Sitting in the conference room on the 15th floor of International Tower One, the view over Darling Harbour was just stunning! The parents who attended this session listened intently to all the presenters, hearing from Anne Hastings about the plans for the new building, whilst Kim Slender spoke about our Mindfulness program for the students. Margaret Lowe acknowledged the tragedy of the terrible Manchester incident the night before, and spoke about how the world has changed so much for our youth in particular, compared to the environment and times in which she and their parents grew up. She talked about some of the societal challenges facing our students and the wellbeing programs on offer for them here in High School. Margaret outlined the Wellbeing Platform at Emanuel School…Chayim tovim – a good life!

        –          Character                                                        T          –          Tikkun Olam

H         –          Health                                                              O         –          Outlook

        –          Action                                                                       –          Values

         –          You                                                                            –          Immersion

          –          Inter-connectedness                                               –          Mastery           

M         –          Meaning

Our confident Head Madrichim, Yael Grunseit and Max Woolf, ended the session with their views on what Emanuel School has taught them, both in terms of their academic learning and also leadership skills and community responsibility, which they will take with them well beyond their time at school.  

For those who missed the Breakfast with Emanuel sessions, but are interested to know more about Mindfulness, here are the two links Kim Slender recommends:



Don’t forget, if you have some news you would like to share with our School Community, please send to: snewell@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au