Volume 30 Issue 23 06 Aug 2021 28 Av 5781

We want you…

… to sing

Now released…. Ha’Shorashim recording project for Years K-12 virtual choir – submissions by choir members encouraged and due Tuesday 10 August 2021.

As all students should be aware, the whole school has now been introduced to Ha’Shorashim, our Capital Appeal Anthem for 2021, which was composed by Alice Chance, in collaboration with some Senior High school students and Morah Harvey and premiered at the Music Camp concert last term. (Back when we could sing together!)

Your tasks

  1. It’s a beautiful song (and an A-grade ear worm) and a bold attempt to capture what is special about our School. The learning package, which allows all students to get to know the song and to sing it, has been shared with the whole school. We would love everyone to learn about the song and to try to sing it. 
  2. We are now inviting, indeed encouraging, our K-12 choir members to contribute to a special, virtual choir performance of this beautiful piece. There is a special “Ha’Shorashim Recording Project” page on Reshet for High School Senior Choir members and other pages on Stile for Infants and Junior Choir members. Please get involved as we want this recording to have all your beautiful voices included. You can submit these recordings via Reshet or Stile and there are special instructions to help you make the best possible recording.