Volume 24 Issue 28 09 Sep 2016 6 Elul 5776

Biggest Morning Tea 2016

Waalkens Rebecca

Rebecca Waalkens

Rutner Dana

Dana Rutner

Whilst it is a bit later than usual, we will once again be hosting the Biggest Morning Tea. For the past five years, we have sold cupcakes and cookies to raise money for the Cancer Council. We will once again be selling cupcakes and cookies for $2 on Wednesday the 14 September, to High School. In addition we will be having a Biggest Morning Party at lunch time.

All the money raised will be going towards the Cancer Council. This is our final year in which we will be hosting the BMT at Emanuel School. With your support we would like to make this year’s tea our best one yet!

If you want to place an order or want more information, don’t hesitate to email: 

Dana Rutner: rutner.dana@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au

Rebecca Waalkens: waalkens.rebecca@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au

Thank you for all your support over the years!

The Biggest Morning Tea Teaposter