Volume 31 Issue 32 21 Oct 2022 26 Tishri 5783


Terry Aizen – Director of Kornmehl


Last week we celebrated Sukkot with many fun activities in the Pre-school. We embraced this beautiful Chag through a variety of different languages in order to gain an understanding of what a Sukkah is.

We used natural materials with play dough indoors, such as sticks, recycled paper and leaves to build a Sukkah. The challenge was to problem solve how it would stand up. We also made a large Sukkah our of a recycled box. The children had fun decorating their Sukkah and climbing inside.

Outdoors, we used the crates to create a space of unity, a space to gather and be together, a place of welcome and a space to share.

The children asked to have their lunch in and around the sukkah and this was a beautiful culmination of our learning together. 

Luca: I made a sukkah at the school holidays, and it was made out of treats and I actually ate it! I made it out of chocolate biscuits, pretzels, and frosting.
Mia: I got to go to my cousins and go in the sukkah for lunch.

Educator: Do you know why we build a Sukkah? 

Luca: Is it for people who don’t have houses?
Sam: When the Australian people left Egypt, when it was night time, they made a sukkah because there were no houses.

Educator: Why do you think the roof is made from leaves?

Luca: In case it rains.
Mia: To see the stars, to have a good year.
Jordana: So, you can look at the sky, I learnt it from the day when we made the Sukkah.
Sam: Because the Sukkah only has one opening. You need a really big opening because lots of people are coming in.
Aimee: Sukkot is when you go to other people’s houses, and you eat in their Sukkah. You can sleep in a Sukkah too. It’s a type of thing that has palm leaves on the top because we need to see the stars and the sky.

We were lucky to have a special visit from Noach Koncepolski (The Cantor at Coogee Synagogue). He came to Kornmehl to share the joy of Sukkot with us all as he drove into our car park with his mobile, communal Sukkah.

Each group had a turn of sitting in the sukkah and saying a special blessing as we performed the mitzvah of eating in the sukkah. We each had a turn to hold the Lulav and Etrog before singing some Shabbat songs and dancing together.

Early Learning Matters Week 
Monday 17 October 2022  –  Friday 21 October 2022

Organised by Early Childhood Australia, the Early Learning Matters Week brings together early childhood educators, parents, carers and community leaders around Australia to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of early learning and the difference the profession makes. Early Learning Matters Week recognises the role early learning services play in supporting families and building our society.

Early Learning Matters Week aims to raise the profile of early childhood education and care in children’s development and wellbeing in Australia. It is a great opportunity to tell our communities how high-quality early education and care supports children to be confident, enthusiastic learners, building a foundation for wellbeing and achievement throughout their lives, and all of this through play-based learning. High quality, play-based education and care supports young children to learn and thrive, with support from parents, carers, and the wider community. 

We should feel very proud of the work we do on a daily basis, which clearly demonstrates the importance of the early years, the role of play in children’s development and of course our commitment and dedication to this unique and powerful profession.

Burger Centre Visit

The Dolphins visited the Burger Centre on Thursday to sing for the elderly visitors, who are always delighted to see the children and to join in with the singing. Taking the children out into the wider community has many advantages for both parties. It’s important for the children to realise that they can make such a big difference in someone’s life, by bringing them joy and happiness through the power of song and music. The presence of a young person can brighten up anyone’s day. Teaching the children to have empathy and an emotional connection to elderly members of our community builds their confidence, resilience, as well as feelings of worth and positivity. 

National Bandanna Day

On Friday last week, we raised money for Canteen to support children and teenagers suffering from cancer. We all purchased colourful bandannas and wore them to Shabbat. We are proud to be able to support others in our community and to instil compassion and caring in the children from this very young age.

Happy Birthday

We wish a very special and happy birthday to Michael and Grace Spinak (5) and Drew Davis (4). We hope you all had a very special birthday.