Volume 29 Issue 31 16 Oct 2020 28 Tishri 5781


Arielle Melamed, Year 9

When we read Parashat Bereisheet and the story of creation, as the new Jewish year begins, we are reminded that we have a clean slate and a fresh start. The beginning of the year is a time to improve ourselves and look within. We can self-reflect on who we are as people and what we can improve, just as God continues to improve His beautiful creation of earth.

It’s a time to renew ourselves and cherish life. 

These chapters remind us about all the beautiful facets of life; the sparkling oceans, the glowing sun, the majestic animals and the sprouting trees. The earth has so much beauty and we are so privileged to live upon it. Sometimes we forget how lucky we are, but with these chapters we are reminded to be grateful for all we have and all that the future can hold for us. 

Later in this parashah, we also hear about the story of Cain and Hevel, the first murder on earth, which once again links to the cycle of life vs death, except here it is an unnatural one. It reminds us never to be blinded by hate or jealousy, but rather cherish our families and nurture love, because life and goodness are always better than hate and evil.